Emma Persson

Teacher Education Programme in Visual Arts/

Film still from a filmed performance where the relation between chair and body and the possibilities of the relationship are examined.

Film still from a filmed performance where the relation between chair and body and the possibilities of the relationship are examined.

Photos from a workshop with high school students and chairs.
Thanks to all the participating students for their pictures!

Photos from a workshop with high school students and chairs.
Thanks to all the participating students for their pictures!

Photos from a workshop with high school students and chairs.
Thanks to all the participating students for their pictures!

A filmed performance where the relation between chair and body and the possibilities of the relationship are examined. The film includes a recorded duet starring the red Konstfack chair and a human voice. The duet is an exploration of the relationship on an auditory level.
The Relation Between Chair and Body

In my degree project, I explore how chairs can be understood as material phenomena in a high school arts studio, and how the relation between body and matter can be understood within a pedagogical context. In my experience, chairs in schools are often understood as a teacher’s passive tool which can be used in organisational matters, considering both the material classroom and the students therein. What if the chair as a non-human object could be seen as an active agent in relation to human bodies? How can a chair be understood as something agential that makes things happen? I believe that this study can widen the understanding of the pedagogical field of visual arts because, in my experience, the majority of art education in Swedish schools involves students sitting on chairs.

My degree project involves observations and workshops with high school students, where their relations to chairs in the arts studio are examined. My artwork is inspired by the strategies used by students in the exploration of the chair in relation to bodies and use.

Relationen mellan stol och kropp

I mitt examensarbete undersöker jag hur stolen kan förstås som materiellt fenomen i bildsalen på en gymnasieskola, samt hur relationen mellan kropp och materialitet kan förstås inom en lärandekontext. Min erfarenhet är att stolar i skolan ofta ses som lärarens passiva verktyg som fungerar organiserande, både av den materiella klassrumsmiljön och av eleverna däri. Vad händer om stolen som icke-mänskligt objekt istället ses som aktiv aktör i relation till mänskliga kroppar? Hur kan stolen förstås som något agentiellt, som får saker att hända? Då min erfarenhet är att elevers skapande i bildsalen ofta görs i relation till stolar anser jag att undersökningen bidrar till en vidare förståelse av det bildpedagogiska fältet.

Arbetet bygger på observationer och workshops i en gymnasieklass, där elevernas relation till stolar i bildsalen undersöks. I mitt gestaltningsarbete inspireras jag av elevernas undersökande strategier av stolen i relation till kropp och användning.