Sanna Lövgren

Teacher Education Programme in Visual Arts/

Sweden, b. 1990

A poem inspired by the Finnish poet Eeva Kilpi and the background is a film still from the painting workshop film.

A poem inspired by the Swedish poet Anna Axfors and the background is a film still from the painting workshop film.

A poem inspired by the Swedish poet Karin Boye and the background is a film still from the painting workshop film.

Caption*: Community creation room, aka painting workshop. Everyone was welcomed to participate, but only few came in the era of Covid-19 pandemic. The participants were free to create or to try one of the assignments I got during my ethnographic study of art therapy: -If you were a tree how would you depict yourself? If you were a volcano how would you look? Art by the participants.

Community creation room, aka painting workshop art film. Take part in the creation frenzy of the film. A room that two art teachers I interviewed described as a part of their utopian school. A place to go and create freely were the outcome doesn´t have to be graded. An oasis in an otherwise stressful and demanding institution.

Reviving is about how humans through creation can understand themselves. Mental illness is partly the result of a hardening society, which constantly strives forward at an ever-increasing pace, that can depress and leave reflection and recovery waiting. Psychosomatic disorders appear and the little child within fights to be heard. I have invited people to a community creation room, tried art therapy and interviewed art therapists and experienced art teachers; an exploration of the possible therapeutic effect of creating worlds of images. The world of unconscious imagery might become conscious in our minds if we just stop, look and reflect?

“What I hear, I forget – what I see, I remember – but what I do, I understand.”*

* Ann Mari Lagercrantz, ”Bildterapi”, i Töres Theorell (red.) När orden inte räcker, (Stockholm: Natur och kultur, 2000) s. 99.

Att återuppliva

Att återuppliva handlar om hur människan genom sitt skapande kan förstå sig själv. Psykisk ohälsa är delvis ett resultat av ett hårdnande samhälle med ett framåtsträvande som kan trycka ner och lämna reflektion och återhämtning väntandes. Psykosomatiska besvär framträder och det lilla barnet inom en kämpar för att bli hörd. Jag har bjudit in till ett samfälligt skapanderum, provat bildterapi och intervjuat bildterapeuter och mångårigt erfarna bildlärare. Ett utforskande av skapandet av bildvärldars eventuella terapeutiska effekt. Den omedvetna bildvärlden kanske blir medveten i våra sinnen om vi stannar upp, ser och reflekterar?

”Det jag hör, glömmer jag – det jag ser, minns jag – men det jag gör, förstår jag.”*

* Ann Mari Lagercrantz, ”Bildterapi”, i Töres Theorell (red.) När orden inte räcker, (Stockholm: Natur och kultur, 2000) s. 99.