Master/Spatial Design


‘Contradictive Design’ – Chair, Lounge & Side Table

‘Contradictive Design’ – Chair & Lounge

‘Contradictive Design’ – Chair Detail

‘Contradictive Design’ – Exhibition Overview
This degree project aims to focus on a chosen set of materials that I have deemed contradictive in their production capabilities, environmental or social impact. By combining a method of material research with a series of furniture and product designs, my aim is to discuss the conscious responsibility designers have when utilising such materials in their own practice.
This exhibition is a showcase of the juxtaposition between both material research and finalised designs utilising a set of contradictive materials. These materials included aluminium, fibreglass, wool and vinyl.
Detta examensarbete ämnar att fokusera på utvalda material som jag anser motsägelsefulla vad gäller produktionssätt, miljöpåverkan och sociala följder. Genom att kombinera ett kritiskt materialundersökande och produktdesign genom en serie möbler, vill jag diskutera det medvetna ansvar som designers har när de använder sådana motsägelsefulla material i sin egen praktik.
Denna utställning är en redovisning av denna materialundersökning genom färdigställda produkter, tillverkade av motsägelsefulla material. Dessa material inkluderar aluminium, glasfiber, ull och vinyl.
A huge thank you to all the amazing companies that have supported me during this degree project. Without your generosity and guidance these ideas would have simply remained on paper.
Karl Andersson & Söner
Tarkett Sverige
Layher Scaffolding
Nils Malmgren AB
Colorcoat Göteborg
Kvadrat Sverige
Spatial Design