Maja Bakken


Wearing Humanity 2020, recycled wood, textiles, body
The necklace is heavy, a bit over 23 kilos, but when I lean to the side it supports me in a way. I am a human, and being part of society is a default identity. Sometimes I feel stuck and dependent in others, but being part also gives me strength. Together we can do hard things. We have to carry each other through hard times.
Photo: Helena Perminger

Wearing Humanity 2020, recycled wood, textiles, body
Work Description: I collected pieces of wood in the city, I glued and pressed them together. I cut and sanded them, I united the separate pieces into the shape of a pearl. The pieces of wood become a pearl and the pearls become a necklace.

Collective Organism, Installation 2020 wood, textiles, mirror glass, metal

Mirror 2020, wood, mirror glass

Valve for Humanity 2020 wood, metal bolts
The valve is built up by several smaller parts and if you take one away, the valve becomes unstable. I am inspired by industrial structures, and the valve is so big I could not raise it on my own. Together we can do hard things.

Mirror installation 2020, recycled wood, recycled mirror glass
Thinking Inside the Box

Humanity as a unit; individuals that are forced together, depending on each other for survival. We are born into a system, afraid of being left out.

It’s painful, and not always possible, to fit in. As I tried to disconnect, my body was screaming for me to stop, to conform. We are part of the superorganism, whether we like it or not.

Thinking Inside the Box

Mänskligheten är en enhet: sammanpressade individer som är beroende av varandra för att klara överlevnaden. Vi föds in i ett system och är rädda för att falla utanför.

Det kan vara smärtsamt och är inte alltid möjligt att passa in. När jag försökte gömma mig skrek min kropp åt mig att sluta, att foga mig. Vi är delar i den mänskliga superorganismen, oavsett om vi vill det eller ej.