Master/CRAFT! Ceramics & Glass

Installation view
Title of work: When Time Becomes Form – The Monuments Close-up sculptures
Year: 2020

Close-up sculptures
Title of work: When Time Becomes Form – The Monuments
Year: 2020

Close-up sculpture and painting
Title of work: When Time Becomes Form – The Monuments
Year: 2020

Close-up sculpture
Title of work: When Time Becomes Form – The Monuments
Year: 2020

Close-up sculpture
Title of work: When Time Becomes Form – The Monuments
Year: 2020
In the work When Time Becomes Form: The Monuments, I have created a method of finding new shapes for sculptures based on ceramic techniques. The sculptures originate from ink paintings, which are created by unfired coiled vessels made in clay. These dry vessels are filled with ink coloured water and because of the material’s strong desire to get back to its plastic state, tensions are created and the water starts to leak onto a white paper. The vessels paint pictures created by chance, and the paintings stand as sketches for sculptures. After this, I translate the two-dimensional images on the paper into three-dimensional objects in clay. I view my vessels as tools which I use as a painter who uses her brushes. The sculptures stand as monuments – as a memory of a time that has passed.
My degree project revolves around thoughts on transience and the passing of time.
I mitt examensarbete När tid blir form: Monumenten har jag genom keramiska tekniker skapat en metod för att hitta nya former till skulpturer. Skulpturerna kommer från tuschteckningar som i sin tur kommer från torra obrända ringlade kärl i lera som fyllts med vatten färgat av tusch. Lerans starka önskan att återgå till sitt plastiska tillstånd skapar spänningar i kärlen som slutligen spricker. Det svartfärgade vattnet rinner ut på ett vitt papper och skapar en slumpmässig bild som jag sedan översätter från det tvådimensionella på pappret till det tredimensionella i leran. Kärlen används som verktyg likt en målare använder sina penslar och skulpturerna står kvar som monument – som minnen av den tid som passerat.
Det genomgående temat i mitt arbete kretsar kring tankar om tidens gång och livets förgänglighet.
CRAFT! Ceramics & Glass